What we treat
We’re specialists in neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy, which covers:
Achilles Tendonitis / Tendinosis
Are you having trouble with your Achilles? This large tendon is normally painful due to two main conditions – Achilles Tendonitis or Tendinosis. They may sound similar but are very different problems.
Tendonitis is an acute inflammation of the tendon and usually responds well to physiotherapy treatments. Tendinosis, however, can be helped with physio but is sometimes less successful. Don’t worry though, if after a full diagnosis we can’t help, we have lots of expert contacts who can!
Come and see us for a professional consultation for your Achilles pain.
Ankle sprains
Ankle sprains often seem to get better on their own. But do they? Re-sprains are surprisingly common in people who don’t receive any treatment, in comparison to those who do. That’s because after an ankle sprain you’re often unaware of a subsequent slight lack of movement, strength and balance that a physio will be able to pick up on.
Book to see us to get help to properly heal your ankle sprain and prevent future occurrences.
Calf strains / tears
Calf strains or tears often happen due to overload but also because of inadequate warming-up. Importantly, the calf has two muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. They both require slightly different treatment, so identifying which one has been injured helps us to prescribe the best stretches and exercises to get better.
Don’t self-diagnose. Book an appointment with an expert today.
Groin strains and sacroiliac pain
Sarcroiliac (SIJ) pain and groin strains are often suffered during or after pregnancy due to the effect of relaxin on normal ligament function. But they can also occur due to repetitive movements or trauma to the pelvis. Groin strains, like hamstring strains, are often due to poor core strength or inadequate muscle length, as well as poorly coordinated movement (motor control).
Hamstring injuries
Hamstring injuries are normally the result of overloading/over straining the area. A weakened core, poor hamstring length and strength or inadequate hip flexibility can all be causes of hamstring problems. We’ll take a holistic approach to diagnosing the root cause of your strain and devise a bespoke treatment plan to get you back on track.
Book now for expert advice.
There are many types of headache and it’s important to distinguish between each of them to prescribe the best physio treatment. From migraine, tension or cluster headaches, to chronic, paroxysmal hemicrania, hemicrania continua or cervicogenic headache, physiotherapy can often help.
Whatever your type of headache, we will tailor a treatment plan that works for you. Make an appointment with us today.
Jaw Pain / Clicking
Jaw Pain, known as Tempromandibular joint (TMJ) pain can be caused by excessively chewing gum, griding teeth or trauma to the jaw. Pain in the jaw can spread to the head and neck but TMJ pain often responds well to manual therapy, muscle energy techniques and rehabilitation to the muscles acting on the jaw.
We’re experienced in working with patients with TMJ. Come and see for yourself.
Knee pain / patellofemoral pain (PFJ)
Both knee and PFJ pain can be down to wear and tear issues, including osteoarthritis, or injuries beneath the patella but also traumatic injuries such as meniscal tears and ligament ruptures.
We also sometimes see problems in younger patients where excessive growth can cause conditions such chrondromalacia patellae and PFJ maltracking.
When you visit us with a knee complaint, we’ll also check out the biomechanics of the foot and ankle to rule out poor core and/or hip function which can result in excessive strain on the knee.
Don’t leave your knee pain to guess work. Book to see an expert today.
Lower back pain / piriformis syndrome
In the UK, up to 80% of people will experience back pain during their lifetime (NICE.org.uk). This equates to almost £5bn per annum through missed days of work, reduced hours or decreased productivity (britishpainsociety.org). Back pain can be split into several sub-categories – from disc related pain, mechanical (or muscle and joint) pain, neurogenic (nerve) pain, and metastatic (cancer) pain. At W5Physio, we’ll quickly diagnose your back pain before tailoring treatment to your specific needs.
You don’t need to live with lower back pain. Get in touch with us today.
Metatarsal injuries
Metatarsal (MTP) injuries can be the result of direct trauma (e.g. a stamp on the foot) or overload due to poor foot biomechanics or weak muscles in the foot and lower leg. It’s also important to exclude stress fractures before we start treatment, so we’ll carry out a full consultation to find the precise cause of your injured metatarsal.
Book your slot today to find out more.
Mid back pain (thoracic)
Stiffness, aching or sometimes sharp pain can all be experienced in the mid to upper back. Overusing the muscles or ligaments in this area can be to blame as can sitting in the same position for a prolonged period of time (e.g. at a desk or when driving a car).
Pinched nerves or osteoarthritis can further be to blame, and less common are things like herniated discs or fractured vertebrae.
We treat a lot of patients with mid back pain with great success. Don’t suffer in silence… come and get some professional advice and relief from one of our experienced physios.
Neck pain
Neck pain will affect two thirds of the UK population over their lifetime, with 75% of sufferers having a relapse within five years (Arthritis Research UK). Common causes of neck pain include non-specific neck pain (mechanical pain), whiplash, spondylosis (arthritic neck pain) and acute torticollis (sudden seizing of the neck, often in the morning after a poor or cold sleep). As with lower back pain, we’ll diagnose the exact cause of your pain and symptoms, before treating you pain accordingly.
Get moving and reduce pain quickly. Book an appointment with one of our physios.
Posterior ankle pain / heel pain / fat pad
Posterior ankle pain can be the result of a small sack of fluid called the retrocalcaneal bursa, problems with the Achilles tendon or a condition called tibialis posterior tendonitis. Occasionally, traumas such as twisting the ankle or a poor football tackle can fracture to the talus bone, and a small piece of the bone is left in the ankle joint. It’s important to exclude this before starting any treatment, so don’t put off a professional diagnosis with any ankle strain or sprain.
Book an appointment today for expert advice on ankle pain.
Posterior knee pain
Posterior knee pain can be due to local structures i.e. the popliteal muscle, bursae as well as muscles that attach at the back of the knee (hamstring and calf muscles). It is important to check the menisci and ligaments as these can refer pain to the back of the knee. We’ll examine you before providing an accurate diagnosis.
Knee pain is one of the most common complaints we help in clinic. Book to see us today.
Shin splints
Shin Splints, also referred to as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS). occurs with overload to the muscles in the area. As you can imagine, the muscles in the lower leg are designed to work hard and don’t injure easily. But MTSS was first recognised in Army recruits going from a little, to a lot of activity and this is common factor we’ll to look out for when diagnosing MTSS. Pain on the inside of the shin, sometimes with lumps on the bone that are painful to touch are further symptoms.
It’s a slightly rarer complaint, but physiotherapy can definitely help. If you suspect shin splints, make an appointment with us.
Shoulder pain – impingement / instability
The shoulder is a complex joint that allows lots of movement to the expense of stability. Therefore, there are two main problems: impingement – things getting pinched in the joint; and instability – where the top of the arm bone (humerus) rattles around too much. It’s common to see the two side-by-side other.
Other shoulder issues include labral tears, bursitis, plus a whole host of other complicated causes. Finding the underlying cause of shoulder problems can be difficult, but our experienced team is here to help.
Make an appointment to see us today with your shoulder pain.
Tennis elbow / Golfers’ elbow
Tennis elbow is on the outside, Golfers’ elbow on the inside. They’re both tendon problems related to corresponding muscles. When you visit W5Physio, we’ll look at both internal (i.e. forearm extensors) and external factors (i.e. your technique) to identify the exact cause and source of your pain.
We’ll help you find a solution that’ll alleviate your pain and prevent the problem returning. Book an appointment today.
Thigh strains and ITB syndrome
Thigh strains and Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB) can present themselves as a slight strain to the muscle fibre (Grade I), through to a complete rupture (Grade III). A complete rupture can sometimes take between nine and 12 months to heal, so don’t put off an appointment for thigh strains and ITB issues.
Book to come and see us ASAP.
Whiplash is a nasty injury that can result in different types of pain (nerve pain or neurogenic, inflammatory pain, mechanical or mechanical nociceptive pain). Different structures i.e. the joints, muscles or nerves react to whiplash in differing periods of time and patients can sometimes be surprised that whiplash symptoms don’t always appear at once. The sooner you get whiplash looked at the more likely you are to prevent any long-term problems.
Book an appointment with one of our physios today.
Women’s pelvic health/Mummy MOT
Almost half of all women experience weakness in both the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles post pregnancy. Pelvic health issues are also common during perimenopause and menopause. Left untreated, these problems persist and can lead to pelvic pain, back pain and bladder/bowel or sexual dysfunction. These conditions should not be something you just put up with because of having a baby or going through the menopause. So much can be achieved through the correct knowledge, treatment and exercise.
Learn more about the Mummy MOT here. Or, book in today for the health check you deserve.
Wrist pain / strain
We see a lot of wrist pain and strains in our practice. From people who have fallen and experienced trauma to the wrist as they’ve put their hand out to stop themselves, to sports players who have injured themselves on the tennis court, playing basketball or doing gymnastics.
Of course, wrist pain related to repetitive movements is also really common as most of us spend lots of time on mobile phones, typing on keyboards or holding a computer mouse.
The good news is physio has great success rates for wrist problems. So don’t delay in booking to see us with your wrist pain/strain.
Your First Visit
On your first visit we’ll ask you lots of questions to identify the best course of action and make sure physio can help you.
We’ll need access to the body part causing issues, so remember to wear suitable clothing so that we can carry out some physical tests.
In your first session, we’ll normally start treatment too. It’ll be tailored to you specific needs and condition.
It could include hands-on manipulation, prescribed exercises and sometimes also sports massage or acupuncture.
Curing you means working with you, rather than simply telling you what to do. We aim to achieve long-lasting results with every single patient, so expect a personal, bespoke treatment plan and approach.
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Yet again Stewart sorted my injured wrist out, I would recommend W5 Physio to anyone.
I'd highly recommend them!
Would recommend. Fantastic physiotherapists who have sorted out my lockdown/working from home aches and pains! Great,...
September, 2021
Such a brilliant team. Fixed my shoulder and neck and provided long term exercises to keep...
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