More about physio, Kirshnee

February 6, 2022

Physiotherapist, Kirshnee, has been with the team at W5Physio for five years now. Sporty and active, you’ll rarely see her standing still! Here’s a bit more about her…

Alongside physiotherapy, Kirshnee’s skills span acupuncture and Pilates, so if you come and see her in clinic, chances are she’ll have lots of treatment ideas to get you back to full fitness. Kirshnee specialises in sports injuries and manual therapy techniques and she’s a particular interest in treating lower back and cervical pain, plus shoulder pain and instability conditions. 

Kirshnee qualified back in 2005 at the University of Natal in South Africa. She was first attracted to physiotherapy as she’s always enjoyed participating in and watching sport. The thought of being able to help people back to activity and sport after injury or surgery was a huge pull into the industry for her. And getting people pain-free and managing conditions through education and exercise is something that Kirshnee still loves about her role today.

Outside of work, Kirshnee enjoys the gym, hiking and running. Even when on holiday, Kirshnee will opt for an active getaway, so you’ll rarely see her sitting on a beach. When she is going at a slightly slower pace, she enjoys cooking, the theatre and watching TV series. 

Kirshnee loves working at W5 and enjoys being part of what she describes as an amazing team who all learn from each other. If you’d like to book some time with Krishnee, she’s ready and waiting to help! 

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