Introducing W5’s Diagnostic Ultrasound Machine

May 20, 2021Watch on YouTube

We’re pleased to announce that W5Physio now has a Diagnostic Ultrasound machine. Diagnostic Ultrasound, also known as Sonography or Ultrasonography, uses sound waves and frequencies which create images of internal organs, joints, tendons, muscles and blood vessels to provide us with further insight on potential injuries, diseases, etc.

This impressive piece of kit has a wide range of uses in musculoskeletal assessment and guided interventions. We’re always keen to stay up-to-date with the latest evidence-based physiotherapy practice, so it wasn’t hard to see the benefits of this latest investment.  Ultrasound is a natural extension to a clinical assessment and is becoming more and more popular with clinicians including vets, sports medicine doctors and physiotherapists. 

There’s lots of research required and new information to consider when learning musculoskeletal ultrasound.  So, our founder and physio, Stewart, is completing a six-month mentorship programme with SMUG (Sports Medicine Ultrasound Group) ( to hone his diagnostic ultrasound skills. 

Diagnostic Ultrasound will enhance the care pathway provided to patients by increasing diagnostic accuracy, guiding interventions and reducing patient episodes. It will be offered as part of a treatment plan to patients who we think may benefit from the extra insight our sonography machine can provide. Book an appointment with us today.

Here’s Stewart and Greg with a demonstration of how the Diagnostic Ultrasound works.

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